Life Cycle Events

Birth/Naming/Brit Milah

Welcoming a new person to a family, and to the Jewish community, is always a blessed and wonderful event. Congregants are urged to contact the Rabbi to discuss options and to plan arrangements.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Students approaching Bar/Bat Mitzvah age begin study with the Rabbi in preparation for this important event. On the day (held as part of a normal Shabbat service), students generally deliver a d’var Torah, and may also chant Torah, read the Haftarah, lead part of the service, and so on. If fewer than 50 people are expected, the service may be held at the synagogue in the sanctuary; a meal may follow downstairs if the family wishes to make such arrangements. If a larger group is expected, the Bar/Bat Mitzvah may be held off-site with supplies moved from the synagogue as needed. A detailed Bar/Bat Mitzvah Handbook is available for families to consult.


Regardless of the age of the participants, marriage is one of the most important events in one’s life. Congregation Beth Shalom welcomes the opportunity to be involved in the solemnity and celebration of this special day. Contact the Rabbi for more information and assistance.


Our Rabbi is available to help congregants make decisions and deal with their loss during this difficult time. In addition, there is a funeral committee to help with funeral planning and coordinating Shiva and Kaddish. Congregation Beth Shalom oversees the Garden of Shalom section at Fairview Park Cemetery in DeKalb, and maintains relations with local funeral homes so that a Jewish burial can be arranged.